Saturday, January 19, 2008

Backpacking in Kentucky

My good buddy, Greg, and I decided to drive from Urbana, IL and Atlanta, GA (respectively) and meet up at Land Between the Lakes on the KY and TN border in western Kentucky.

I took the rest of this commentary from his blog (I work smarter, not harder; thanks Greg):

We backpacked for two nights at a leisurely pace and did a lot of swimming. The first night, we forded across to a small island to camp the first night. The first picture shows me during sunset from our island campsite and the second shows me wading back across in the morning carrying our trekking poles and boots (Greg was the only one tall enough to carry our packs across and had to make a couple of trips). The water was perfect, though, in the mid-70's and we had a really nice backcountry trip. The last picture shows us with our finger companions, Virginia la Viajera and Teresa the Traveler. Loyal readers of either of our blogs will recognize Teresa from our trip around the country in the summer of 2005. I got Greg his own finger puppet, Virginia, in Mexico with the intention that he would take her to China, but she didn't arrive in the mail early enough, so she's made her travel album debut at Land Between the Lakes. BTW, Teresa and Virginia were great friends from the start. The final picture is of our well-loved, decorated packs that have gone on many a backpacking trip together.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice trip report. Living close to LBL I get to hike there a lot. I'm curious when the trip took place though. The air temp this past weekend was 5F, so I'm pretty sure that the water temp this past week wasn't 70.

4:10 PM


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